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  • Customer
    • Akman
  • Services
    • Web Design
    • Web Software
  • Publication Date
    • April 2022
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Customized corporate web design for Akman Holding

Thanks to this modern and user-friendly design, we provide an easy and pleasant experience to the visitors while presenting an image suitable for the prestige of the company. The website is enriched with visual and content elements describing the services, projects and vision of the company.

We have also developed a strong and secure system for the needs of Akman Holding in terms of software infrastructure. This infrastructure allows the web site to work quickly and smoothly, while allowing administrators to easily edit the content and structure.

The web design and software work we have successfully completed in this project has strengthened Akman Holding's presence in the digital world, enabling the company to reach its target audience effectively.

Our corporate web design processes

Information Gathering: Objectives of the project, target audience, content, etc. We gathered information about
Planning: We determined the structure and technologies of the site,
Design: UI/UX on how the user who visits the site will feel and react designs were made,
Development: Coding, Front-end and back-end developments were made,
Test and Delivery: The site was tested, bugs were fixed or published received.

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