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  • Customer
    • Ersu Fruit
  • Services
    • Web Design
    • Web Software
  • Publication Date
    • May 2022
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Ersu Web Design and Development Project

In the field of Web Design and Development, we had the pleasure of providing Ersu with a unique web design. This contemporary and elegant design effectively showcases Ersu's services, products, and principles by emphasizing user experience. The software foundation of the website has been optimized to achieve fast and reliable performance. Additionally, we created a flexible structure that allows administrators to easily manage content and structure. Through this web design and development process, we supported Ersu in gaining a significant presence in the digital sphere. The user-friendly design and fast functionality of the website enable Ersu to reach potential customers and establish efficient communication with the target audience.

The successful project we carried out for Ersu stands as a testament to our experience and professional service approach among our showcased references. On this note, we will continue our commitment to providing the highest level of service to our clients in future projects.

Our Web Design Workflow

Information Gathering: We obtained in-depth information about the project's objectives, target users, and content.
Planning: Decisions were made regarding the website's structure and the technologies to be used.
Web Design: UI/UX designs were developed to create the desired user experience and evoke the desired reactions when users visit the website.
Development: The front-end and back-end interfaces of the website were created.
Testing and Deployment: Errors on the website were identified, corrected, and the website was made live.

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